
Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Job

As i mentioned briefly in yesterday's post, I have a new job! I'm really excited about this opportunity, but it is a scary change at the same time. There are a lot of factors that go into a job change, but for my husband and i the biggest reason was separation. Sounds kinda odd, more separation in a marriage, but we were both working at the same company, in similar jobs, in a really small office. Part of my job was to audit his elevator, files, and inventory..... depending on the day, that could be really fun! And I'm sure he wasn't exactly excited about those times himself.

So, over the last year we've known we would have to make a decision about jobs. Well, I moved to the Council Bluffs, Ia office in September, then moved down to the Carleton, Ne office in March and into our house in Bruning, then a wedding in June.... we've been a little busy! So finally this fall we went about talking about goals and life planning, etc... Then this opportunity came around.

In December this opportunity as a Grain Merchandiser came up 20 miles from home, just perfect. The job is with a company I've already looked at once and a great employer in the area. This is the best thing that could've happened to us. NO traveling, NO crazy hours and extended overtime, better pay, AND something that highlights my talents & skills! I'm way excited.  Don't get me wrong, i really did love my old company & the people, but this was the best personal move I could've made right now.

My husband and I are both really excited. It is a chance for us to branch out, OK mostly me branching out, adding to the people we know in the area. It is a chance for us to live & breathe outside of work, and for us to maybe start building our family (not anytime real soon).

I'm excited, my husband is excited, even my former employer and mentor there is excited for me. It is great to have all this support during a time filled with so much change. Thank you everyone! And yay to me for this great opportunity!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Why is it that everywhere you look, everywhere you turn, everything you hear during this time of year is all about having the perfect Holiday Season? I mean really, perfection? Not even possible!

I just get so irritated with the idea of perfection, how about the idea of fun, happy, & togetherness. OK, so I'm not the prime example of this because i get a little stressed about all of the holiday fuss as well, but i try. Luckily for me, my husband will remind me when I'm getting too deep! This year especially, i have been more relaxed about the holidays (possibly because i have 3 weeks off between jobs) & have been enjoying the little things like: baking cookies, making dinners, canning pumpkin butter and caramel pecan sauce.

Its funny though, i have all this time to realize how great it is when you make time for the little things, so why can't i do this all year round. I just don't know. I wish i spent more time doing these things all year round. Maybe that will be one of my New Year's promises... The other thing I've noticed is that I've grown apart from some very important people in my life: friends & family. This is pretty much all my fault... I've just not put in the time and effort. So i think that will be another New Years promise... reconnect.

The other thing I've realized through my crazy holiday break is this.... i have really high standards. I mean, its OK to have such high standards for myself, but is it fair to others. I shouldn't hold other people to such high standards, because they probably aren't attainable and then I'm just disappointed. Besides, who am i to dictate what is and isn't acceptable for others. Another New Years promise i think!

So in this madness of holiday hubbub, I've got a few things to work on for next year, but a lot to be thankful for this year. A great family, a new job, a wonderful husband, and supportive friends. I can build my home and my family, take care of the people who are important to me, and spend time enjoying life as it is now.... people always tell me to enjoy it now before there are little feet running around my house... probably a good idea.

So, I will close with this. Enjoy the Holidays, take the time to spend with family and friends. Enjoy a few cocktails and play those fun family games. Oh, and pause to soak it all in. Happy Holidays and Merry New Year! :-)