I say this because it always seems like something exciting has just happened every time I go home. This trip was no different. A friend of mine had just recently gotten a little speeding ticket from a friendly, neighborhood, policeman.... little is putting it very very nicely. The worst part about it was that no one was mad, we were all just kind of like "deer in headlights" at the predicament. Luckily, my husband clears the air with "Well, I thought those things could do 105!" Like, geez, why didn't you put the pedal down further?!?! Good question, might as well have...
Through this seemingly quaint remark, I got the sense that my ever so sweet husband may be eluding to more than meets the eye. He was. He starts to tell me about how when he was in High School he and a buddy both had matching Ford Thunderbirds (Great cars, my mom had one and us kids would put our arms out the window and flap them like birds when she would drive fast. We always egged her on!) Anyways, these Thunderbirds got the nerve to "FLY" one night down a lonely deserted highway, at an hour too late for anyone to know, and too fast for anyone to remember. Oh and then there was the time, down a very popular Lincoln street, that the Thunderbird might have almost tripled the speed limit early into the wee hours of the morning. Good Grief!
I cringe at the thought of our future children ending up with any of these ideas born into them, I cringe even more at the thought of what they might get from me. I can't say that I'm much better than my husband. I will say that I have an insatiable need for speed! If you've ever seen an episode of the American version of Top Gear, I would be Rutledge. A total goof, a nerd, and a speed demon! I love to go fast, which may be why I've had to forfeit my license for a month before. Which may be why my car insurance was always slightly higher than other girls of high school age. Which may also be why I bought myself a 4 cylinder, in hopes of preventing "incidents" (it doesn't work).

A fast ride, that's all I'm looking for. Until i realize that I sound like a playboy... i mean a fast ride? Isn't that what every hot blooded 18-22 year old male is looking for, although this ride with two legs & not four wheels? Eww, i just compared myself to an adolescent male! Maybe i should rethink this whole fast ride thing & be glad that my husband got both of those out of his system a long time ago! :-) I should probably equate this whole thing to more of the tortoise and the hare, and stick with my 4 cylinder tortoise. After all, my friend has a V8 hare that may just have to site for a little while, while my 4 cylinder tortoise carts him around.
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