My sister, K, is a born poet, I've always loved writing, and she has inspired me to do something creative. I don't know if my random ramblings will be thoughtful, scientific, or miraculously inspiring, but i really hope they are at least entertaining. My sister is deep, and on the verge of philisophical. She is also the sweetest nerd ever (and she is proud of it!). She is a corn research scientist... yeah, half the technical stuff she tells me goes right over my head! HAHA!
My brother, C, is something else. Definitely ambitious, but mostly a goof! He is always doing something, never seems to slow down. Luckily that constant go juice is helping him with his first full semester of college classes, YAY!!! My brother lives with my Dad and works on the farm with him. My Dad is a hard worker & has always been busy on the farm, always work to be done, always something to do. He loves to be outside and constantly doing things or traveling.
My family is crazy, cooky, spontaneouos, and boisturous..... my husband's family is the opposite. They are wonderful people, don't get me wrong.

My mother in-law, S, is great, she must have the patience of an ox to raise a man like my husband. I know she had to be a good cook, or at least be willing to cook alot for my hungry husband (she is a good cook though, her signature sweet rolls are amazing)We go antiquing & shopping together a couple times a year and always have a good time!
My sister in-law, L, is super sweet. She and her husband got married the same year as us... which is pretty cool if you think about it. They are both great people, totally in love & happy! I definitely look forward to our conversations when the family gets together, not to mention when she brings dessert for family dinners! The gift of cooking obviously passed on to her as well! Family functions are always funny because by the time everyone has finished eating the men have snuck away to the living room to nap or talk manly things, and all of us girls are gathered around a table or in the kitchen swapping stories about our latest cooking masterpieces... or flops!
Love You All & Thank You to my family & especially my sister.