
Sunday, August 26, 2012

August... family, friends, & food

August has been jam packed with so many things. This month i had a visit from my father and brother, i visited a friend while traveling for business, and managed to cook up a storm this month. Well, if not cook it myself... i sure managed to eat some delicious grub this month.

Hubby's Masterpiece
The usual visits to Toad's for a salmon dinner occurred of course, but for the most part hubby and I created some culinary masterpieces in the kitchen. The thing about us though, is that we love to cook together (or i think he loves to cook with me... we will find out the truth later). It is fun though! I usually do the technical things, kneading bread, tart shells, custards, sauces, or anything other than a grilled steak and potatoes. There is one thing i don't mess with, and that is a grilled hamburger. My husband has that down to a science, and this past month he made me some delicious burgers stuffed with fresh mozzarella cheese. Amazing! Fresh lettuce, sliced onion, little homemade spicy mayo on top, all on a toasted bun... wow! He truly outdid himself... well until he made me some of his delicious marinated steak accompanied by rosemary garlic potato wedges.

When my brother and dad came to visit we all had a pizza day on Sunday while we watched the NASCAR race. The BEST part, i made my own mini pizza with half using my homemade pesto, mozzarella & Canadian bacon. The other half of my pizza was Hawaiian pizza, mmmmmm pineapple! Turns out the guys thought my pesto on pizza was pretty dang delicious!! They chowed down on two of their own 10 inch pizzas, and STILL my brother thought he needed to eat some of my pizza!

homemade basil pesto & salsa

Basic Pesto Recipe

1 1/3 c loosely packed basil
3 Tbsp Pine Nuts or Slivered Almonds
2 Garlic Cloves peeled
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

Combine all in a food processor and pulse till combined.
Drizzle in up to 2/3 c EVOO until desired consistency is reached.
When ready to use, add in fresh grated Parmesan as desired.

Pesto in lasagna, on bruschetta, tossed with pasta, spread on calzones.... oh so many things you can do with pesto! And the best part is how easy it is to make! I've had sooo much basil from my garden this year I've made pesto for several friends, frozen some, used a bunch, and i still have basil to turn into more pesto! (Plus all the dried basil i have stacking up!) Nothing better than opening up the slider door & walking a few steps to cut some fresh basil for dinner! (or supper, if you are my husband)

Spinach Lasagna Roll-Up - yes that is a Meat Sauce on top!
And besides the dreamy greens of my basil, I also fell absolutely more in love with spinach... too bad I can't convince my father in law to love it as much as I do... he's supposed to be eating spinach to help prevent more eye problems... Oh yes, spinach, a very under appreciated green in my opinion. If you have a picky green eater, like my husband or father in-law, try cheese with it! I made some delicious Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups! Mmmmmmm....  really super easy, but oh sooooooo good. Actually, you can turn anything into a Lasagna Roll-Up if you think about it. Just cook your noodles, lay flat and spread with your favorite toppings. Roll them up and place seam side down in a baking dish and cover with sauce and cheese. Bake them off at 350* till warm, gooey, and bubbly all the way through. I personally like spinach and cream cheese in them, but of course the meat eaters appreciate a more traditional roll-up; sausage, hamburger, cream cheese, tomato sauce (i usually sneak in some pancetta or prosciutto too!).

Is it Breakfast or Something Sweeter?
Something else I've discovered this month, keep a tart shell or pie crust ready to be rolled out in the fridge! It is amazing how simple they are to make, and how simple they are to make into something delicious using whatever you happen to have in the pantry, fridge or cupboard! Like my easy Breakfast Tart. Just put the tart shell in a tart pan or pie pan (i don't have a big tart pan so i use a pie pan, and totally just as good!), add in your favorite meats; browned sausage or bacon, prosciutto, Canadian bacon, or whatever. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and pour over 5 eggs beaten with about a 1/4 c cream (salt & pepper, garlic powder too). I also like to sprinkle over some fresh chopped green onions. Bake it off at 350* for 25-30 min. Yummy! Something about that sweet buttery tart shell and salt bacon just make a perfect combination!

And what could be better after all this hard work than playing the lazy card and hitting up a Chinese buffet with my bestie? Uh, nothing! We are too funny, because we have a method to our Chinese dining experiences. We each fill a plate with whatever mix of yummy entrees, noodles, and rice we so desire... mine are usually more chicken, hers usually more beef... then we each grab a second dish, me the plate for Rangoons, egg rolls, spring rolls and anything else that can be dipped in sweet & sour sauce. She grabs the sauce and anything else interesting she eyes. This last time, we both came to the conclusion that we should just split the plate of fried rolls and Rangoons... why even bother with the other food! And of course we have to share our fortunes with each other. The best part however is the time we spend together catching up. We always seem to just pick up where we left off and solve the world's problems over broccoli beef or sesame chicken. **sigh** These meals/conversations/visits don't happen often enough.

Well - the grocery store calls as it is time to restock the fridge and cupboards for the next week of culinary adventures! Happy Cooking!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thoughts - Harvest, Farm, & Fashion?

I am feeling very creative today with lots of energy.... it could be the rather large Starbucks espresso + energy drink i had this morning... or it could just be a little extra Tuesday morning energy.

Either way, lets chat! It is a gorgeous August day in Nebraska today! This time of the year is usually 90+ degrees and 80% humidity, but with the weather pattern being totally different this year than any in the last 20+ years we are at a wonderful 77* and 47% humidity with a slight breeze... just doesn't get much better.

And thanks to that unusual weather pattern we have some harvest going on. Harvest? In August? I know, its crazy... but dry land is coming out AND it is dry enough to haul to my Ethanol plant?!?!? Now that is the crazy part. A very wide range of moisture (10.4%-17.1%), but very low test weights compared to normal (49.7 lb TW vs LY @ 62 lb TW). Irrigated corn looks wonderful around here, looking for slightly better than average production, which should help control basis levels a little better than lately... well fingers crossed for me anyways!

I've been thinking with all the unexpected things happening this early in the year, that its time for a change myself. No mom/family/friends..... we are NOT getting pregnant anytime soon, i don't need that kind of change.... I'm just going to cut my hair, maybe add a little pizazz! Love that word... pizazz!!

There are a pair of legs under there... it's D!

Soon the seasons will change too... Oh Autumn, I'm just ready to feel those cool crisp nights on my face, the bite in the air when i leave for work in the morning, the beautiful changing colors... and the smell of fresh cut corn in the air! Autumn always brings harvest, and harvest always reminds me of home and family, and how even as a young girl i would sit in the combine or grain truck for hours with dad. I remember helping mom fix lunches and then taking them to the field to eat lunch with my dad and uncle. Even the times i would ride in the grain truck with mom to the elevator were always fun & eventful (no brakes.. that was fun). 

Now i live too far from home to help on our farm, but luckily my father in-law entertains me... secretly i think he is amused by me and likes when i come visit him in the fields with my husband. I'm definitely more talkative than my husband... and i find enjoyment in just about everything that happens at harvest time... except sitting still.. i hate that. I also make a point to look very cute and fashionable with i harvest with D.... he gets a kick out of it. I do my hair (usually loose and wild like the corn), get my camo and pink on and of course my cowgirl boots (not the nice ones... my real farm girl ones that get dirty) Last year was even more fun because D bought himself a newer combine. You want to see a 70+ year old farmer's face light up, watch him play with a new toy for the first time... like a combine. He was a kid in a candy store! My husband too! Well... even me really! I have lots of photos with it & me in it of course. It has a padded buddy seat, perfect for me! (yeah... doesn't sound like I'm 25 and an adult huh? HA HA!)

yup... harvest fashion? If that is possible...

Someday I want this for my children.. them to know what hard work and dedication is, to know what family is, and to appreciate the land and bounty that can be reaped from it! Too philosophical? Hopefully one day we can take over the farm and share our love for it with others. Especially during autumn & harvest!

Until then, I'm contemplating moving my office outside for the day to enjoy the sunshine! I'm also going to contemplate my new Autumn look and what i should wear for harvest this year. Gotta up the ante, ya know! D expects my husband and I to come help him.... just need to do something he won't expect... its worth it to make him laugh! Mama S will just think I'm really as crazy as she thinks! Here is a pic of last year... look for some new ones of this year a little later on.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's Been Awhile - August Update

So... yes, it's been awhile. So much has been going on in the last few months i don't know where to begin. I won't bore you with a detailed catch up, but i will promise to become more regular with my writing.

I'm a creature of habit, so once i get into a habit it is hard to get out.... with that being said I've set up reminders to keep me on task and track with the creative process of writing. you will hopefully see two -three posts from me a month.

Today being the 15th i will just give you a brief shout and then write to you next week.

The last couple months as a corn buyer have been very interesting. All the volatility in corn prices and shock to the demand system and has started whittling away and ethanol demand. I'm lucky that i work for a company that has been proactive at reducing long term debt and setting benchmarks that we will not go under just to produce ethanol. Currently ethanol production is down 14% since last December 2011. I feel lucky i have my job.  So, besides struggling with buying corn at $8.00+ bu, I've been constantly working away at home too... on that little thing called a garden.

Rock Creek Station - August 2012

Tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, lettuce, radishes, onions, eggplant, zucchini, watermelon.... all growing and bearing fruit.... which means i have to figure out what to do with them too! HAHAHA! Tomato sauce, pizza sauce, refrigerator salsa, refrigerator pickles, salads, pesto..... and the list goes on. It's been lots of work, but man i feel great when I've made something we can actually eat later and not have to go to the store to buy. There is no way i could handle a garden big enough to provide for me all year.... I'd never get a vacation.... but it sure if fun having my little garden.

Speaking of vacations... my dad and brother were here a couple of weeks ago. Did some history buffing, yes a new term i just invented, at Rock Creek Station east of Fairbury, Ne.... really cool. I love all the historical stuff about this country and Rock Creek Station is pretty cool... you can see and walk in original ruts of the Overland Pass and Oregon Trail... pretty stinking sweet!

Thayer County Fair - Super 77 - August 2012

Here is a shot from the 100th Thayer County Fair, a couple of really nice old tractors were on hand to show the new guys what's up! Nothing beats a beautiful vintage tractor at the fair, especially if it is a pretty Oliver like this one! And speaking of vintage rides, the 125th Anniversary of Bruning had tons of vintage cars and tractors for the Bruning Days Parade this year... just amazing... too bad i left my phone in the house that day! :-(

Soon we will start seeing new crop corn loads here at the Ethanol plant, they've already started coming in for wet programs and nearby elevators.... even though we are a month ahead of schedule, harvest really puts me in the mood for sweaters, sweatshirts, scarves, and cool crisp nights (AND HOT CHOCOLATE!).

Goal for next mid-month a picture of something Harvesty!! Oooooo yay! Here is a July Garden pic!